
Where In The Bible Does It Say That Saul's Name Was Changed To Paul

The Conversion of Sergius Paulus

Maybe no ane in in the Bible was more like Christ than Saul of Tarsus. We first run into Saul in Acts 7:58, at the stoning of Stephen and then learn of his conversion feel on the road to Damascus in Acts Chapter 9. Most Christians take assumed that God changed Saul'southward proper name to Paul at his conversion feel to signify his new faith in the Messiah Jesus. At present that he is a changed man, God switched the "Due south" to a "P" to requite him a new name and signify that change. Only, is this actually the example? Did God change Saul'southward name? Did he go out the Damascus Road using his new, "Christian" proper name? A careful expect at the Text will requite some revealing insights into this interesting subject.

First of all, when do we find evidence in Scripture of the name change? Was it right afterward the Damascus Road experience? Actually, there is no mention of information technology until iv chapters later in Acts Affiliate 13, on Paul'south starting time Missionary Journeying. Acts xiii:9 says, "then Saul, who was likewise called Paul…". This is the start mention of the proper noun Paul in Acts and nearly scholar's time-line date his start missionary journey approximately fourteen years afterwards his conversion experience in Chapter 9!

Did God alter Saul's proper noun to Paul and was this change done to minimize his Jewishness and emphasize his Christianity? Again, Scripture gives no indication that this is correct. In fact, it appears as if it was non a change of name at all, simply another proper name that Paul also went past (Saul who was also chosen Paul; see to a higher place verse). Saul was a devout and observant Jew and remained one all his life (e.g Acts 17:2, Acts 18:eighteen, Acts 20:1, and Acts 28:17 just to name a few). He was very proud of his Jewish name and the heritage it represented (Saul was from the tribe of Benjamin, the same tribe as Israel's showtime male monarch, besides called Saul). He would have never wanted to change his name and renounce his Jewishness.

In English, it looks similar Saul just switched an "S" for a "P" in order to have a different name. Only, in Hebrew, his name was Sha'ul, and Paul is the English word for the Roman (Latin) proper noun, "Paulus". To become from Sha'ul to Paulus isn't quite equally catchy and takes away the Saul to Paul rhyme that we discover in an English language translation. Information technology is also possible that Sha'ul had been given the Roman name Paulus early on in life. Paulus in Latin means, "little". Sha'ul grew up in a very Greek and Roman city, Tarsus, then he may have been called Paulus by his Hellenistic friends.

Sha'ul decided to commencement using his Roman proper noun, Paulus only after going to the Gentiles and having an see with the Roman proconsul of Cyprus, Sergius Paulus (1 of the pinnacle officials in all the Roman Empire). Information technology is no coincidence that Sha'ul took the last name (Paulus) of the prominent homo who was his get-go convert. By using the Roman name Paulus, possibly fifty-fifty at the suggestion of Sergius Paulus, Sha'ul at present had easier access to the Romans he was trying to tell the good new of Jesus to. We know from the study of Acts that Paul spends the rest of his life trying to go to Rome to preach the gospel – often to the highest Roman regime. The name Paulus undoubtedly helped him to gain access to Roman circles.

Whatsoever the case was, it certainly doesn't appear from Scripture that Saul's name was changed to Paul by God. It is likely that Paul changed or started using the Roman proper name of Paulus in lodge to be a more constructive witness to the Roman world he was trying to reach. Paul's words in 1 Corinthians ix:20-23 sum it up well, "To the Jews, I became like a Jew, to win the Jews… to those not having the law, I became like i non having the police force, then as to win those not having the law…. I have become all things to all men, so that by all means I might save some."


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